Hello and welcome!

Here we are!

At long last I am beyond excited to welcome you all to my brand spanking new website and online shop, as well as this: my Felicity Paints blog!

I am a Suffolk based painter and digital artist, and I create large, colourful paintings which explore the ideologies surrounding objectification, challenge the male gaze and use abstraction to encourage my audience to re-evaluate their preconceptions of the human form, beauty and sexualisation. My interest in these concepts stems from my association with fourth wave feminism; the writings of Laura Mulvey, Yve Lomax and Nina Power; the incredible works of artists such as Venetia Berry, Rebecca Ward and Sonia Gechtoff; and the growing prominence of social media and post-truth ideologies in our daily lives.

Here, I will give you an insight into my artistic practice, from choosing a subject, to mixing paints and creating digital sketches, as well as sharing other artists’ works or writings that have caught my attention.

I really hope you like what you have seen so far and I’m so excited to share my little corner of the art world with you!

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